
The wind wanted me today.

by Gabrielle L Gervais

The wind wanted me today.
It wrapped its cloths around my waist
And asked if it could carry me away.

My heart said yes
But my knees and my crooked shoulders
snapped, demanded no

And the wind brushed my blistering cheeks
seduced my arms
confused my lashes
made me spin
made me dizzy
made me dance

The wind pressed against my body
and pleaded for me.
my shied skin and flighty neck
said no.
The wind sang to me
and moved on
to the next stone figure.
even less likely to be brought to life.
‘Cause though the wind gets stronger—
no one goes with it
to dance in its arms.


Posted on 02/12/2003
Copyright © 2024 Gabrielle L Gervais

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