
for good

by Olivia Weinkein

these faults become you
looks good
and i haven't anymore
good explanations to loan
to you these days,
i have stopped painting reasons
i know now -you are the way you
are- and that is fine. for you.
but i have taken up my anchor.
i no longer feel the need to dwell
in your depths, deep-sea diving
for answers and reasons to keep
breathing. i have struggled to the
surface barely alive but i did
survive and now this boat is moving
on. there's an island off in the horizon
that has been haunting me for awhile
now. perhaps i will go there and learn
once again how to walk on dry land.
without the flavor of you in my mouth,
without the helping of your hand.


Posted on 02/11/2003
Copyright © 2024 Olivia Weinkein

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