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I Waited

by Charles M Harrison

You said you would call
So I waited
Trusted you, never hesitated.
You said I would see you
So I waited
Trusted you, never hesitated.
You said we were friends
So I waited
Trusted you, never hesitated.
You never said you cared
And I waited
Trusted you, never hesitated.
One week, two
And I waited
Trusted you, never hesitated.
Others said forget
And I waited
Trusted you, never hesitated.
Two months, three
And I waited
Trusted you, never hesitated.
Some say I am a fool
And I waited
Trusted you, never hesitated.
Three years, four
And I waited
Trusted you, never hesitated.
All my life
I have waited
Trusted you, and never hes-i-tated.


Posted on 02/10/2003
Copyright © 2024 Charles M Harrison

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Anne Engelen on 02/11/03 at 08:43 AM

Do I spot hesitation there in the last line? Blind trust is wonderful, but it makes one very vulnerable too. To me the repetition of the line "trusted you, never hesitated" is just a bit too much. I think if you drop a few of them, the message comes across just as well and the poem will flow a bit more. Nevertheless I like it !!

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