sorority girl by Emily G Myerscurled almost kinky crimped
and it's the shiniest hair
I've ever seen
and no hips
just not there
but otherwise developed
her name is Tiffany
or even Kimberly
like my sister... yes,
she was a sorority girl
eyelashes full and black of mascara
lipstick reflecting like glass
water-filled or push-up bra
expensive name-brand jeans
the giggle and hair flip
both perfectly mastered
hands defiantly on nonexistant hips
how much did you pay for your friends?
was it more than you bargained for?
nonstop 4 years of emotionless sex and cheap beer
all for that Greek-letters-ironed-on-tee-shirt
how much, again,
did you pay for your friends?
02/05/2003 Author's Note: So I'm not saying all sorority girls are this... obviously as my own sister was one. I'm just going on what I've seen and heard during my college experience. You hear a lot of stories that make you happy you can't afford to buy yourself some friends.
Posted on 02/06/2003 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers