

by Gabrielle L Gervais

I run and run
to get to you
and run and run
to get to the edge of you.

And when finally there
I slip from my battle shoes
and throw my feel-proof coat
into the sea.

I bend to you
press my hands, palm first
on the stern energy of slate
and fingers lightly linger.

I dig into you
let your cool soft ash
dust my fingers
and slip away.

I kneel and I crawl
to the edge of you
and lie flat
and feel the space of you

and I scream to you
hear the echo of you
feel the pounding of you
seep into my skin. I
Let you .Earth.
seep into my skin.


Posted on 02/05/2003
Copyright © 2024 Gabrielle L Gervais

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by JD Clay on 02/09/03 at 10:23 PM

I love a good love poem and yours is one of global proportions. Nicely scripted, Gabrielle. Peace...

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