
One time we played

by Gabrielle L Gervais

One time we played
like we were happy
and they were clear—
no fuzzy edges
they told us how it was.
and we understood

One time we played
like we were happy
there was no monday
and saturday was never there.
Just you, me
and sweet sweet Sunday.
With couch cushions
salt-bleached sheets
and shine.
it was just you
and just me
And we played
until the Sun took off her glasses
and flicked the light.

One time we played
like we were perfect
you were someone else
I was someone else
and it was a dream.

One time we played
we cried and we smiled
and you were you
and I was me
And we knew.


Posted on 02/05/2003
Copyright © 2024 Gabrielle L Gervais

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Indigo Tempesta on 02/15/03 at 02:27 PM

this is fantastic. i feel like you got inside my head and took my thoughts to make this poem. it's so relatable. is that a word? it's so true to life yet so well written and lovely. -indi the incoherent

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