no such thing as love poetry by Emily G MyersI wish there were no such thing as love poetry
it's a permanent reminder to me
that she was everything you needed
your heart was what your pen heeded
if there were no such thing as love poetry
I could pretend you've loved only me
that I was the first and last in line
not only that I'm yours but that you're mine
but there is such a thing as love poetry
and I'm left to get lost in your fantasy
months old, yes, but piercing all the same
allowed to be a witness to the transfer of blame
and nothing to balance it out
not a single word from you to me
do I have to break your heart to make you feel deeply enough
to add me to the list of girls in your love poetry? 02/04/2003 Posted on 02/04/2003 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers