
Jose Cuervo

by Gabrielle L Gervais

Jose Cuervo, I get drunk off you
drunk off of you
and your crackling grip

Jose Cuervo, I get dizzy from you
crazy ‘cause you-

happy ‘cause you.

happy from the way you make fire
with an pack of empty matches
and the look in your eye when
you sing

‘cause you sing
you do
you sing

you sing without song. you sing without words. you sing without music.
But you feel.

And the way you feel…
The way you feel-
is enough to make up for the rest.

And I get drunk off you.
Jose Cuervo- I get drunk off you.
drunk off you.
you and the way you feel.


Posted on 02/04/2003
Copyright © 2024 Gabrielle L Gervais

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