
spring in february

by Emily G Myers

was a happy kind of day
I walked outside
expecting a chill
found a warm breeze instead
pulled my sweatshirt over my head
breathed deeply
like you can't do in winter
it smelled just like the first grade
burning leaves and apple blossoms
birds cheering on mother nature
calling for more springlike weather
the trees were still naked
it's only february
but evergreens reminded me
of what's to come
and I couldn't know
but I could surmise
others were feelings the same
boys hibernating with video games
came out with frisbees
and broke the natural silence
with the still natural shouts of children
yes, it was a day for the manchild
with its angry winter promises
melting to spring's consenting gaze
church bells
it must be sunday
right at five o'clock
the pine fills my nose
the chirping my ears
the sun my eyes
first blooming of pansies
through brown leaves
and bugs are returning
I pass secretly
a weeping willow
a sylvan glen
as you say
and wish
we could enjoy this day together


Posted on 02/02/2003
Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers

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