the missionaries by Emily G Myershi elder
nice to see you again
it's the church's joke on me
sending missionaries
my age, smart and beautiful
just to check on my soul
come on in, elder
have a seat
sure, but don't touch me
or look at me as a boy
sit, let's have a discussion
not about you and me
about you and Joseph Smith
okay, elder
but I can't seem to concentrate
he's a man in uniform
and when he pulls out the BoM
I don't even notice
it's the prophet's joke on me
you were saying, elder
yeah, look this way, honey
and sign right here
your soul on the line
yes, elder
whatever you say
just stay and discuss
a few minutes more
but mind that 9:30 bedtime 01/12/2003 Author's Note: This is where I make sure that everyone knows I'm just kidding. I only wrote this as a silly response to the talking I've been doing lately with some LDS missionaries (jokingly referred to as Elders Cutie and Beautiful). The real side of this is that I've met some amazing people in the church and think extremely highly of them. So there you go.
Posted on 01/25/2003 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers