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need I say more?

by William P Strucke

I bought you a pastry the other day.
I saw it and thought we could share it together.
Tonight I ate it, the whole thing, alone.

AND now I feel it --
atrophying in my stomach
a symbol that will stay with me
of the intangible loss I have felt,
that you have suffered, but ignored.

As the sweet cream of the filling
turns sour in my soul, so shall you
in my heart at last,
until I see you again in the warm sunlight
gliding past
on your pedestal of beauty
and lovely nescience
as I sink deeper into the dark of night
I will feel the pain for both of us
and more -- each day more, lost and alone
wondering why we couldn't just be together?
then it will all come back again,
as it has this day
just like it was yesterday
(and today it was)
my emotion pouring out
that never ending flood of tears
in my soul, raining down,
washing away everything good--
leaving only the clouds of despair
on my cold winter day.

watching you pass, unnoticing of me

and knowing what we could have been.


Posted on 01/16/2003
Copyright © 2024 William P Strucke

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Jeanne Marie Hoffman on 01/27/04 at 09:44 PM

I believe this is the first time I've ever seen lonliness represented by a pastry... and it worked quite well!

Posted by Quinlan L Gibson on 05/01/04 at 08:40 PM

hmmm, you're a bleeder too huh? This is so passionate.

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