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Why I Would Prefer Being A Boy

by Shayla R Cakes

There are so many cool things about being a boy.
But some that are cooler than others.
Most of my friends are boyish boys.
I consider them my brothers.
They have sleepovers where they watch immense amounts of porn.
And eat Lucky Charms all day.
They make their penises dance.
The parade and they prance.
They pretend that they maybe gay.
Boys don't have to worry about tampons and hygine.
Boys don't have to shave their legs.
Boys aren't stereotyped as the ones in the kitchen making bacon and eggs.
Boys don't have to watch their weight to avoid being socially inept.
Boys never get pregnant, though as medically advanced as we're becoming, its amazing they haven't yet.
Though boys do have some things to worry about.
Like smelly armpits and morning wood.
And lots of boys seem to be insecure and they worry about if they were 'good.'
But boys can still smell and be loved by all.
And boys can be rude and obscene.
And no one really cares, you know, because it's just a "boy thing."
They run around with "the guys" and inhale "BIG NASTYS" and fries.
People don't look at their breasts, but they look at their eyes.
Oh what a joy that would be.
But the boys have to deal with jumping jack flappage
And when they're turned on you can see it.
But if these are just some small prices to pay to be a boy, thats not too bad.
Being a boy would come easy for me.
I don't cross my legs and I swear.
Showerings not at the top of my to-do list in the morning
And I seldom brush my hair.
I spit on the sidewalks and push people around
In a silly, friendly, bullying sort of way.
but if I were a boy, boy oh boy, I'd be ever so gay.
For I love boys far too much to give them up if I were one.
That'd take out all the fun.
Because then I'd want to be a girl.
A big dumb smelly ol' girl that did girl things. I'd want to go to girl slumber parties because it'd be so cool to understand what being a girl was like.
But I want to understand what being a boy is like
And I want to understand why all the boys I know would never want to be a girl
And I want to understand why I think it'd be so cool to be a boy. . . i have a feeling it would be the coolest thing in the world.
However, I'm a girl.
I have no penis, qa quite lovely rack, soft lips and eyelashes that bat. I am concerned about my weight, I have to worry about tampons once a motnth and whether or not my ass looks good in a particular pair of jeans or not. Even though I wear boy pants. I am an emotional wreck most of the time, I have the physical ability to bear children named Dexter, and my body is shaped like an hourglass.

I could twirl my fingers in my hair and be all "derr, I don't know," and it'd be considered cute.
I am a weakling. I cry all the time. I enjoy chocolate ice cream, even though I don't like chocolate.

Even my pajamies have to match or I'm unsatisfied. I wish I weren't like that but its true.
If my hair is messed up I feel insecure.
If I'm not wearing eyeliner I feel inferior. I love the color pink. valentine's day is my favorite holiday. I'm a hopeless romantic and I used to have a subscription to sixteen magazine, and bop. never tiger beat though. Jonathan Taylor Thomas was my god and I was going to marry him. Then awws gavin Rossdale, then daniel Johns, then Brandon Boyd, THen James Graham, then Brandon Boyd again, then Tory nelson.

In some states, if I wanted to marry tory and i was a boy, it wouldn't be acknowledged as a legally scanctioned wedding.

I have to face it. I'm a girl. I don't want to be a girl. I dont like what being a girl has stereotypically and historically stood for. I don't like where being a girl is going and I don't like the standards girls are held to. The britney spears' of the world are ruining everything....you don't see boys being held to certain standards now do you. People find all sorts of males as attractive and acceptable. But for girls it's just Britney Britney Britney. I'm not fucking britney. I'm me, and I don't like being me mostly because I'm a girl.

But I'm such a girl.
I'm not a boy in a girls body.
i'ma girl in a girls body.
I just wish I were a boy instead.


Author's Note: Tonight's another sleepover with the guys...I wish I could go to a sleepover with the guys so bad...laughing at transvestite porn and exchanging weird smells and just having a grand ol' time...

Posted on 01/05/2003
Copyright © 2024 Shayla R Cakes

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