The Winds of Memory by Amanda J CobbThe winds of memory gust and swirl,
ebbing and flowing like a cerebral tide
to make the same grim day seem at once
as close to heart as yesterday
and as far away as forever.
Forever changing, too - like fate, like time.
Strings of days passing the memory by
with scarce a thought or glance
then waking one night from a dream
with the tears falling unchecked as rain.
Unbidden images come to mind and tear
at random moments of everyday routine
yet the purposeful bend of the mind
towards capturing the windblown memory
lends it a curiously objective distance.
Even now, the winds continue to blow,
ever moving and changing - unknowable, slipping
through the mental fingers that try to grasp it
and likely to contradict anything expected of it
except the certainty that it will come once again. 12/27/2002 Posted on 12/28/2002 Copyright © 2025 Amanda J Cobb