Ah, a savior, What a Nice Thought by Carl Walkerah, a savior, what a nice thought
but how to find the one real true savior
if there is a God
(and, yes, I believe there is)
then hasn't God made us intellectual and emotional beings
We have logical minds that thirst to discern truth from error
We have hearts that won't be ruled by logic and have thirsts as well
I say we should be cautious of religious beliefs that seek to deny rationality
Would God make us rational,
and then force us to damage rationality to know God?
I think not
a belief in God must be able to withstand all the honest, logical questions we can ask
an evidence of knowing the the real God is an emotional capacity to answer the tough questions
showing forth the nature of God
Am I being intolerant to suggest that there may be some who CLAIM to know the real God and don't?
If that is intolerant: the one who brands me must use the same brand on their own butt
Once we exhaust all our rational questions then we can yield our emotional devotion
I believe the real God can be found by seeking
indeed I believe God wants to be found
wants to have a friendship with you in the most intimate way
I love to discuss stuff like this with people
I am interested in listening to
and answering the tough questions
another evidence of knowing the real God
is the capacity to care
when others do and when others don't 12/09/2002 Author's Note: After reading Cymbre Dolphay's poem "Beliefs".
I wrote this.
I could send you chapt. one of an intriging book on the evidence for God in an email if you like.
so, ya wanna talk?
Posted on 12/09/2002 Copyright © 2025 Carl Walker
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Cymbre Dolphay on 12/10/02 at 04:28 AM I like it...reminds me of a conversation I had once about God in reference to the creation of the universe and a tree with a clock in it. Glad to have stirred some lovely thoughts |
Posted by Oliver Drewman on 12/10/02 at 06:14 PM Very interesting form. Long sentences then short ones. I like it overall. Very thought provoking. |
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 12/11/02 at 04:10 AM Scripture says, "there is a light that lights every man"... I do believe the earnest, honest seeker will find! Thoughtful and provocative poem. |
Posted by Christina Bruno on 12/11/02 at 07:46 PM i enjoyed this a lot :) |
Posted by Susan Q Tomas on 06/08/03 at 08:28 PM Very bold of you. We all have different relationships with God. Just like our relationship with our parents is different than our sibling's relationship with our parents. |
Posted by Jean Mollett on 06/24/03 at 07:58 PM Hi Carl,
Good one. But I agree with Quentin Clingerman. Each will seek out the Lord, who really believes. He's real, not fake. And with what Deborah said too. Jean |
Posted by John Stevens on 07/23/11 at 11:55 PM Is this corner of the world still active? Masot every thing stops in 2003. Has the rapture happened and I missed it? |