
being 14

by Gabrielle L Gervais

Here we are in our business suits. Side by side
Me, pointing at your hemmed skirt
And pulling at you hair
And the screams of “I hate you” lay newly wetted on my lips
And I’m too stubborn to admit it was a lie
Too angry to take it back
Red blacks out truth
Starting with the cover.
And enveloped in it, I curse the Venus of my childhood.

In the hours after the pointing and pulling and horseshoe words
My wetredlips fade, But,
the blind will stays

In the dark-comfort-loneliness
I confessed to my nightstand pages
That the words weren’t meant.
And I pretended that when I closed my eyes,
You were there so I could say I loved you blue
like when the waves lick the sky
And I pretended that when I closed my eyes,
You wouldn’t be hurt.
And I cried- don’t tell anyone I cried.
Out of the frustration that I could never tell you
Could never explain that forgetme-blueness is stronger than that.


Author's Note: For my mom.

Posted on 12/08/2002
Copyright © 2024 Gabrielle L Gervais

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