impact by Emily G MyersI cant help spending days and hours and minutes
thinking about him
playing with ideas of attacking him with hugs
and kisses-on-his-lips
the beauty of him surrounds me
and makes me calm
lets me to know Im safe
our love explodes on impact
and I cant wait to see
how amazing well be
how immense and engulfing our passion
my heart jumps at the hope
and I cant express how deeply I want him
how bated my breath is with anticipation
he controls my thoughts like no other
forcing me always to pray for our nearness
the beauty, the anticipation encase me
and throw calmness out the window
our love will explode upon impact
11/27/2002 Author's Note: This is actually a combination of two poems. The first four lines were the beginning of a different poem that descended into the depths of stupidity as it went along. I liked those lines so I did some creative recycling. The rest of the poem was written a while after, but I figured it was all the same theme and they went together inadvertently.
I actually wrote notes for both poems (or poem pieces, in truth)... but they were pretty incoherent and didn�t make much sense. One paragraph did... I�ll put it up:
This poem in particular (the second half, which was, of course, written in Greek class) was of the airplane variety (the lovely Ms. Angel Esclave will remember my ruining an edition of Breakfast at Tiffany�s by using it as a hard surface to write some frantic poetry somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean for a less-than-deserving boy). In any case, it was written in about 30 seconds cause that�s what happens sometimes.
Posted on 11/27/2002 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers