
to jen...

by Bethany Lee

hey, it's snowing...i love looking out of my tri-fold picturesque
window...it stares out onto a steep hill...i've witnessed the birth of
all of the seasons staring out my playland window...on top of the hill
rests an old wooden fence, taller than i am. behind that fence i romped
and played with my childhood friend years ago, when pigtails were my
main thing...my, the adventures we had in the woods...

so, i'm sitting here, being inwardly inspired...and thinking of how
we're in the midst of a friendship courtship...these things seme awkward
at times, but it is all a learning process...like when my stomach was
full of milkshakes, at one point i started to get weirded out from your
minute responses...i think it's the fact that i don't know how you
think, yet. you are indeed a complex human (aren't we all?) but i've
also begun to realize that it wasn't you i was weirded out by, but by
Jason's company. Don't get me wrong, he seems like an okay guy, but like
you said, when he's around you don't have fun...

idunno, rambling words are my way when typing e-mails at work...

so i was intrigued by how our lives seem to be quasi-parallel...i was
making spaghetti and you were going to make spaghetti the same
night...or how i'm going to a play with my mother tonight, and you're
going to an opera with your mother this weekend...what are the odds of
that...i admire your taste in music...hhmmmm...brain fart....where was i
going? idunno. So, do you feel that i am comfortable company?

I'm wondering if i have anything left to say...but i think work is
creeping it's way back into my head-in-the-clouds thoughts, so i suppose
i'll get the work done...

talk to you later...


Posted on 11/23/2002
Copyright © 2024 Bethany Lee

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