needles by Emily G Myerscould you tell it was me?
is that why you pulled out the mask?
one of the many facets of your personality
say you love me one minute
want to be with her the next
would it sound trite to tell you to make up your fucking mind?
would it be okay if I told you Im sick of all your faces?
is it too much to ask that you just be real with me?
honestly it would have been kinder to stab me
but you keep on stalling
just sticking needles in my heart
so Ill beat you to it this time
11/07/2002 Author's Note: As much happiness as I�d been feeling at the time I wrote this, I couldn�t avoid putting this one down. It was a day that had been perfect. And then it wasn�t. Because boys are dumb, and they do dumb things. So this was in response to that. I do take charge of things; I�ll confront you. But this is what I really wanted to say. This was my initial reaction. And I read this to Koye over the phone. That NEVER happens. Wow.
Posted on 11/08/2002 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers