

by Emily G Myers

leaves falling
they think they’re snow
covering the ground
slippery as it’s starting to rain a cold rain
my thoughts are on you
they’re the only thing warm in me
a gust and a spray
an umbrella turning upward
girls huddling
patting rain-frizzed hair
pulling ugly sweaters close
I sit and you surround me
a beautiful blanket keeping out the elements
the clouds crashing together
a fire lighting the sky and the night
an ear-shattering bang
a storm raging
but I let it rage around me
I don’t even flinch
you’ll keep me safe
the warmest coal in my heart is you
and you’re my never-up-turned umbrella
a blanket I want only to wrap myself in
and on this night
when I need you more than any other
you’re on a shelf I can’t reach


Author's Note: This poem came after writing a short story so the �poemness� of it is surprising. I�m not sure what�s going on with the tense in this poem; I just started guessing. I didn�t mean to use something Tommy had said to me, but I did. The umbrella part was all him, promising to be mine and everything. I took it from there. The end sounds sad, but it�s not really. It�s just a matter of distance physically, not emotionally. I hope, at least.

Posted on 11/08/2002
Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers

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