Inner wantings... by Angela HanskaI want to accost the world with my tears
I want to strike out and beat someone into submission
I want to know where I'm going and where I've been
I want to hurt you the way you hurt me
I want to runaway and never come back
I want to hurt the ones I love just because I could
I want to throw breakable objects against the wall just to hear them shatter
I want to curse you because I know it would hurt
I want to miss a responsibility because I felt like it
I want to cut myself just to see myself bleed
I want to stop thinking, imagining, wondering, and just let time fly by
I want to know why you do the things you do
I want to know what you could have possibly have been thinking
I want to act like a child instead of having to be the adult
I want to be right, instead of mostly wrong
I want to go out and have sex with someone I've just met just because I felt like it
I want to hit, and hurt, and strike
I want to burn, and break, and destroy
I want these things without fear of repercussions
I want all of this, and yet never will have it, because that is not who I am. 10/27/2002 Posted on 11/04/2002 Copyright © 2025 Angela Hanska