i. the parting gift by Richard Paezjust a drop to wet my mouth, please i feel my lips-and-tongue cracking i have no right to ask you anything but i am thirsty so i'll do my best to repay your favors and despite my thirst try to scrape (myself from you) restore the almost-innocent, just-slightly-tarnished you that dim-shone before dry-mouthed and teething i dammed you (and damned you) in the hopes of fertile fields replanting
(it seems i never managed to inherit mother's green thumb -instead- i became pesticide and defoliant starving to starve all i labeled pests)
i would like to plant another lie and watch it blossom and bear fruit spit seeds that taste bitter(i am what you made me)sweet but i don't think you'd fall for my venus-fly-trickery anymore
i'll ask one more time just one drop please, then i'll leave i know i have no right to ask you but i am thirsty just as you were once 10/28/2002 Author's Note: Written some time after reading tissi’s ‘lesser charm(ed) - cleanscraped.’ Thank you, dragonsister.
Posted on 10/28/2002 Copyright © 2024 Richard Paez