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Lacing up those skates and pulling on that jersey

by Ashley Beaudoin

It would be 4am and one of the coldest days of winter when everyone would be in their warm beds fast a sleep, well all except for those hockey players. This would be a time for us to show our best and really come alive.
Lacing those skates and pulling on that jersey would be the best thing ever for me. The smell of the sweaty jerseys and equiptment were sweet smells. It was home for me and others alike. No, it was more then just home it was life. All day I'd dream of being on that ice, skating and making saves like no one has ever made before becuase all I thought about was my next game and how much fun I was going to have.
As girls would be watching Dawson's Creek, I'd be watching a hockey game. They'd dream of Joshua Jackson and I'd dream of Ray Bourque, Bobby Orr, Byron Dafoe, and all of the greats. I was very lucky my 7th grade year in school. I had a teacher who would always tell me that one day I was to be the next Patrick Roy. He'd ask everday who I was playing next, how practice was and say the most important thing that kept my dream alive, "Don't ever let anyone tell you you're not good enough for anything." I know now that he is why I am who I am today.
Hockey is not just a sport to me. Its my savior when it comes to getting away from all lifes worries. If it weren't for it then I would not be who I am right now.
To this day I still get up at 4am sometimes just to lace those skates up and put on that jersey to smell that smell of hockey and to play that game I love. For it is not just a game it is a way of life, only hockey players understand.


Posted on 10/28/2002
Copyright © 2025 Ashley Beaudoin

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