
do i fit?

by Gabrielle L Gervais

My pages of black and white
are dimmed by the vibrant shining of your smile.
And the tangled words of my life become focused.
And you hold my hand and crisply punctuate the overplayed
“all is well”
and I know that too often, clichés fit-
just right in the cusp of the elbow
and we know
by living
that the words of passion and hunger and love
are said too much- and if we aren’t careful
they become letters and we lose
the fact that they are life, they are air
of soul and of poetry


Posted on 10/15/2002
Copyright © 2024 Gabrielle L Gervais

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Ken Harnisch on 11/03/02 at 08:10 PM

how extraordinary that a poet would caution on the use of too many words to describe an emotion...how much more so that you got it right, Gabrielle

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