The winding road is dark and empty
Seen over the wheel ahead of me
The moon is bright to shine the night
But shadowed trees is all I can see
They reached across the path I drive
Scratching my metal frame
The place I searched for in the night
Was a place that has no name
They say the dead wander there
Looking for a place to rest
Cries are heard throughout the land
A place thats quite possessed
The quest Im on that pulls at me
Comes from a frightful sight
My friend was in an accident
And died in a car crash tonight
I never got to tell him things
That were buried within my heart
I wander to the land ahead
With the secrets I will impart
I drive across a wooden bridge
That wobbles as I pass
Moaning til I reach the edge
Where the path is covered with grass
With flash-light in hand
I climbed from my car
Stepping into the night
Hoping it wasnt too far
I head through the shadowed trees
In search for my friend
Turned on the light to guide my plight
And found I came to the end
An iron gate painted black
Stood in front of me
The chain that ran through the posts
Had slipped and came free
Stepping through the iron gate
Walking past the graves
Up ahead within the rocks
I saw the opening to the caves
As I drew close I heard the ghosts
They were whispering in the wind
And as I turn to face them down
the trees all seemed to grin
With nothing there but empty air
I climbed the marble stairs
I peeked inside with my light
As I silently said my prayers
I stepped into the center room
And whispered for my friend
A crack opened in the wall
Beckoning me to come in
A golden light shined so bright
Giving off a warm glow
Angels floating all around
As they sighed a sweet hello
The ceiling was opened to the sky
For the stars to peak inside
The Angels gathered on the ground
To help the souls outside
On the floor there was a light
That reached out toward heaven
I looked around the room in fright
In search for my friend Devin
I watched as souls became a glow
To begin their journey homeward
Up they rose into the sky
They left the world with out a word
Tears spilled from my eyes
streaming down my face
As Devin walked into the room
And touched me with his grace
He stood there smiling at me
Not wanting me to be sad
He was on his way back home
So he wanted me to be glad
My heart was breaking with the thought
He was leaving as Id stayed
No more holding me when I hurt
Or guiding me when I strayed
He said his lesson was over now
It was time for him to go
He touched my face with tenderness
And said there is something you should know
Youve been my friend for many years
Your love, I will always treasure
Youre stronger then you realize
And your worth should always be measured
Your heart is filled with a loving glow
That hides deep within your soul
You think that man has taken that
And you are not quite whole
You are wrong to feel this way
For your cup still runneth over
Your love for life and all you touch
Helps keep you feeling warmer
I love you friend with all my heart
I will see you in your dreams
I will help you up when you fall
And calm you when you scream
I will always be with you
So when you call my name
Ill be there to hold your hand
And your fears I will tame
He kissed me then on the cheek
Smiling ear to ear
Then stepped back into the light
And slowly disappeared
My journey home was silent
Absorbing all Id seen
I never got to tell him
All the things inside of me
But when Devin left for home
He knew I loved him so
Tears slipped from my face
For I hated to see him go
But when I close my eyes at night
I know Ill see him there
With a big old heart to shine the light