
I wish I could be there

by Gabrielle L Gervais

I wish I could be there with you
To help you stand up
To lean on your broken body
Because mine is crumbling

And I breathe longer knowing you breathe too
Even though it’s not next to me

When you can’t hold on anymore
I won’t be there to carry you up
And when you cant help but laugh- you are so happy
I can’t be there to smile with you

And when I cry
You don’t know
And when you sob
I’m somewhere else

Will I ever hold your hand again
And not want to let go?

When we all fly off- it won’t be as hard
But I’m the only one who is gone

And knowing you are together without me-
Takes my heart and blinds my sight
And numbs my fingers
So I have to overcome gravity
Just to breathe


Author's Note: for Derek, Meredith, and Jason

Posted on 10/04/2002
Copyright © 2024 Gabrielle L Gervais

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