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Words, do they work?

by Ernest A Miller

Words, do they stumble, fumble and fall from your mind like a clumsy man trodding? Do your words stumble for the reason he stumbles?

Or do they palpate, surge, foam and hiss as if imitating the sea? Do they re-create its absolute power or its often deceptive tranquility?

Are they careful and calculated, phonetically mimicking the skilled ways of a surgeon? Delicately lifting pieces of people minds to better them or remove some killing confusion from themselves.

Do your words rapid-fire, explode, and bring devastation upon the minds of your reader? Have you used your word like weapons? Cutting into someones soul and shattering their will or crushing there confidence.

Often do these words flow from somewhere you cannot pin-point deep inside your mind? Do they come out of the bottomless vast black void of your creativity, or are they a planned action made after serious or tedious preparation? With your hope being that your careful plans will allow the reader to swallow easier your words like a sugar coating for your work.

I cannot say for sure where these words come from in me, what their meaning is meant to be or what, if anything, is their purpose is in this world. I only know that these words are often my relief and my release, they are the anchor that keeps me home and the boat that floats freely to get me to where I think I want to be.

Hopefully, eventually, maybe your feelings will change and our relationship will grow like this, free flow, and make us both complete. But these are just words their meaning empty but full of nervous hope and shallow wanting.

These words, yet again, have set me free and taken me to the place inside i've yearned to be for so long. Eventually, i'll be gone until I see you again or write again, because to have you really, this is what i'm forced to do. To take these words and spill them as if my blood and tears and present them through ink onto this paper... I hope my words shake and rumble and make your heart crumble as if caught in an earthquake of my love, which I make exist only through my words.


Posted on 09/19/2002
Copyright © 2024 Ernest A Miller

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