apathy and misanthropy by Gary Hoffmannapathy and misanthropy
slow down
time wasted
relentless pursuer
of my dreams
another night spent alone
wasted alone
driving alone on cold streets
similarly without companion
apathy by necessity
protection against love
whispered on warm nights
between timeless
the fox is also alone
wandering through starlight
and rain
misanthropy by choice
it's easier to scream
my frustrations
at faceless
mood swings on tired roads
wending silently through
and starlight
love and frustration
anger at intangible
anger at unknowable
time to think
wasted on thought
paradoxes and penumbras
someone ate all the peaches
and the supermarket is closed
soon the cherry blossoms
will fall
to grow again
in California
even the cherry blossoms are alone
they sing their umbras to the fox
they sing the umbras of the moon
and the fox
before wandering away
cursing time wasted
apathetic and misanthropic
it occurs to me
I am the fox
its lover suicided
in front of
a peach truck
smelling sweetly
the cherry blossoms
before they fall 08/06/2002 Posted on 08/06/2002 Copyright © 2025 Gary Hoffmann