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Alice Blue

by Charles M Harrison

The days have no number they have no end,
As I long for my love my lost friend.
I pray some how she could come again.
As fresh as spring dew, my sweet Alice Blue.

In prison I find myself at this hour.
Release from these shackles is beyond my power.
For what once blossomed is a wilted flower.
She never knew, my love, Alice Blue.

What has been done is now past
Forever upon me this shadow is cast.
If this day could be but my last.
I would be with you, my lost Alice Blue.

Never a moment for you did I save.
For you was none of the love that I gave.
Now I stand in the rain at your grave.
To late I knew, I loved Alice Blue.


Posted on 07/26/2002
Copyright © 2024 Charles M Harrison

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by A. Paige White on 05/12/12 at 07:53 PM

This is beautiful! My first name is Alice so it caught my attention, of course, after the fact. Highest marks from me!

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