seeing specialness outside of yourself by Emily G Myersyou think you're so special
with your Chuck Taylors
and your second hand tee shirt
being driven to your punk shows
calling me up when it's convienent
never sensing that I might have something to offer
assuming not too much about me
thinking you're the only one with a shock factor
but I've got my own eyebrows to raise
you think no one ever could take your place
you must be the only unique person
never giving thought to another
not even the one you claimed to adore
one day maybe you'll recognize
all the people alive
all around you 07/24/2002 Author's Note: this is somehow a bit more literal than I usually write, but I guess it's because I was angry at the time. ah well, anyway.
Posted on 07/24/2002 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers