Pure and Simple by Phil P RobsonHow can I not shed a tear?
How can others snipe and sneer?
This miserable existence of a human life
Born into famine, AIDS and strife
How the world must shed a tear
For these families in fatal fear
Knelt, crumbling dusty sand
Of once rich and fertile land
How the world must shed a tear
No fuel for man, death is near
Eyes droop towards the son
What is it that Ive done wrong?
How can I remain here
Cherishing my favourite beer
Chasing all the city jobs?
Lifes default setting, join the snobs
Still, I remain here
I need to eject this chair
Unfold myself through earth and sea
I cannot let this thing be
What is it that pulls me there?
The Grapes of Wrath and Africa
Justice, compassion, humility
I cant die saying sorry.
09/01/2002 Posted on 07/10/2002 Copyright © 2025 Phil P Robson