
My Fall From Grace: An Apology

by Gabrielle L Gervais

There was a moment today when my passions danced.
A moment when you were not tugging at my heart.
In that moment I caught a glimpse of myself.
For that second I grasped my soul and thrust it into Eternity.
For, when you are not present, I can see myself with clarity.
But the moment passes, and I return to fulfill your need.
You ask so much of me.
You ask me to be penitent yet bold, subdued yet extraordinary.
You ask me to step forward when others falter, and to step back when praises are delivered.
You ask so much of me, and I don’t mind.
Most of the time.

I have grown accustomed to you and wish to stay close.
My hands, cupped at your chin, stop tears from plummeting to the ground.
But I must remove them for a moment.
I must turn my palms to a different horizon: to “choose something like a star”.

I leave you with saddened eyes and darkened demeanor.
I cannot catch your tears forever.
Love calls me to the North Star. Forgive me.
I cannot deny the honeyed song of life.
I am called to a separate path.

I ask for forgiveness.
For, there was a moment today when my passion danced.
There was a moment when I forgot you.


Posted on 07/05/2002
Copyright © 2024 Gabrielle L Gervais

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