Join the Wounded Warriors by Carl WalkerJoin the wounded warriors
their mission not to kill
having faced death
they now seek courage to live and give life
see a standard drenched in blood
see the flag of sorrow
see the ranks of wounded warriors
marching into the fray
see the imprecation
see imploring looks that beg
"join us in the fight"
who are these wounded warriors
who fight not with weapons of death
but weild a power of life
and implore you now to join them
Pray for the wounded warriors of Con Fe, Paz
pray to find real life they're finding
trembling, I fear to raise their standard
for I know the power of life they weild
rises from the dust of death to self
am I worthy to raise such a standard
if you see death to self in me
your soul will vote me worthy
pray for the wounded warriors
of Con Fe, Paz
please read about the wounded warriors of Con Fe, Paz,3604,727354,00.html 07/04/2002 Posted on 07/04/2002 Copyright © 2025 Carl Walker