When All Seemed Well by Charles M HarrisonThere once was a time when all seemed well
I did not know I was living for hell.
I thought I knew what life was about
I could not hear my soul scream and shout.
The pain I hid with false pleasure
Things of this world my only treasure.
Satan had me tight in his snare
I did not know, nor did I care.
My Lord though had a plan for me
He sent someone to help set me free.
A friend to guide me with love and care
A friend to show my God was there.
I found what I did not know I had lost,
When I learned Jesus had paid the cost.
Then Satan did scream out from hell
For I was no longer under his spell.
The pain I had known inside for so long
Was replaced by a joyful and happy song.
My soul sang out to my father above
As it was filled with this pure sweet love.
I at that time gave my all to him
I had found my way back home again.
But Satan I knew would endeavor
To make me his once more, forever.
I look at my life now and see so much trouble
My pains and sorrows now all seem to be double.
I wonder at times how can I go on,
If I can make it through this long night till the dawn.
My Lord of love, all this he does see
So he sent once agin my friend to me.
To help me through any trouble and strife
That I may endure in the earthly life.
There once was a time when all seemed well,
Now I know I was living for hell.
Even though my world seems to crumble.
Unto my Lord I shall remain humble.
His love for me I can plainly see
His light brightens the very depths of me.
I know I shall have no need for fear
All my life he will hold me near. 07/02/2002 Posted on 07/02/2002 Copyright © 2025 Charles M Harrison