a voyage through you by Emily G MyersI suppose I'm seeking
the flame that is nestled in your heart
and the plush tenderness of it
you think you're so clever
leaving me as a mess
mixed as my body is with the leaves and mud
I had to slosh through your baggage
trek across your bitterness
swim as a mermaid through your tears
becoming addicted to the crunch of your woods
and the splash of boats on an ocean
that is your lack of emotion
but I love those places in you
though they shock and hurt me
they light my life fuse
and I never thought I'd put any will above mine
but for you I'll surrender
and return to questing the wild savage lands
that you contain within you
to find that hidden flame 06/13/2002 Posted on 06/13/2002 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers