Let Me Bare my Sole to You by Melina Raven Maness DieboldI remember being bought on that hot Summer day in Memphis. I was the last size of a dying style. I was sad to go, leaving behind all of my friends, but thriled at the prospect of being worn on a regular basis, not just at random intervals by various and sundry shoppers as they stopped in to cool off in TJ Maxx's air-conditioned haven of a shoe store. I so thrilled to be finally worn in this muggy weather, being a sandal and all. When I left the store, I noticed how my plastic strap was as blue as the cloudless sky above, azure and completely breath-taking. I loved to hear my wooden sole click and clack as my owner's steps beat down in unplanned cadence. Candies may have made me in a factory, but my owner made me free in Memphis. 06/05/2002 Author's Note: how I imagine my blue Candies felt when I bought them. Was a college assignment. "Describe Your Shoes"
Posted on 06/05/2002 Copyright © 2025 Melina Raven Maness Diebold