gorgeousness! by Emily G Myersand I sat for a while
wondering when you'd respond
when the wells of communication
would retain some water
and I cried a bit, I think
waiting for your answer
for any answer
and the clouds turned grayer
and the rain came
but it didn't make me sad
I only expected so much more of you
once the sun had disappeared
and I tapped my foot
right in a puddle
waiting for you
I almost gave up
don't tell anyone
it's sort of a secret
that I almost threw us away
that I almost tossed out what we were
it was stormy enough to
and still I sat
a tear fell occasionally
not on purpose
don't flatter yourself
it was an unconscious tear
and I wiped it away as fast as I could
so you wouldn't think you'd hurt me
but you did
and my insides burned and churned
with anger
with sadness
with disappointment
then somehow it stopped
you were rebuilding
and with every word my anger melted
and with every gesture my sadness left
and with every kiss I grew less disappointed
late one night I went searching for you
in a place I'd never found you
but that night was different
there you were
you were still inside me
inside my heart
that I thought was broken
and you kissed the wounds
so they were wounds no longer
and finally we sat together
under the gray clouds
in the splashing crashing rain
and we cried together
and it didn't make me sad
05/30/2002 Posted on 05/30/2002 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers