Disillusioned by Jayme L HelmickThat's one of your two-dollar words that no
one wants to talk about anymore and
hypocrites don't think exist.
It embodies "our generation" and defines
our world - for the twenty-something of a
hundred years ago never saw the horrors
that we embrace.
It encompasses our love and sex encounters
and leaves us with a bitter taste in our
mouths, somehow realizing that sometimes
sex is just plain better without the love.
It gives us comfortable boundaries that
squeeze the life from us, for we hold onto
ours and call ourselves stronger for it.
It's our anchor
and our anvil,
our salvation
and our damnation,
our lust and our love.
The best of both worlds
is a disillusioned one.
05/30/2002 Posted on 05/30/2002 Copyright © 2025 Jayme L Helmick