asking nothing by Emily G Myersyou were so mind expanding
so kind in your words and actions
so amazing
in that moment
I am not being fair
I expected that moment to last forever
I thought you'd be so different all the time
you are only one boy
only a boy
what do I need from you?
what do I require?
no, you'd never ask as much of me as I ask of you
I don't need you to be a superhero every second
and I'm sorry
sorry I asked so much of you
you are the best "you" you can be
and I love the way you aren't conventionally perfect
your "faults" make you perfect
and I won't ask too much anymore
I'll ask nothing
because that's how much you need to change 05/23/2002 Posted on 05/23/2002 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers