goodnight kiss by Emily G Myerswhen you leave me
all I wish is that you could stay
that I could kiss you goodnight
hold you in my arms
and watch you fall asleep
you breathing
- slow and even -
making me smile
making me cry
I want to be near you
to give everything to you
holding nothing back
surrendering all I am
to put my head on your shoulder
slip my hand into yours
and my only choice is to adore you
adore the way you touched my arm
the way you leaned in close
the way you slouched so near
resting your head on mine
you are more than I ever asked for
I can't deny my feelings
your happiness is what matters
your eyes
your smile
the kindness you exude
you are everything
and I just want to hold you hand
mine isn't complete without yours
did you ever want a moment to last forever?
did you ever try to prolong a beautiful feeling?
I want only to stay here with you
never leaving your side
never untangling our fingers
I would love to kiss you
but it would mean our parting
can't I just carry you around in my pocket?
I will not be satisfied until your hand is holding tightly to mine
and I never want to have to kiss you goodnight
04/27/2002 Posted on 04/27/2002 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers