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Love's Demand

by Carl Walker

"I DEMAND," said Love,
and it seemed so strange
for the demand was the demand of death

"but life," Self protested, "is what I seek."
a stir within I can't control
compelled, I am, to submit
life's life is what calls
and love is what seems to answer
"Here, here, is your life; in Self's submission to love."

I answered life's call by submitting my heart to the bondage of love

then I got confused

Self wanted life
but love's demand was death to Self
I wanted fulfillment
but I pheaared the death of self
and so confused I damaged love

ah, a whisper
ah, so softly
not the Siren's call
a voice hardly heard
a mystery
Fulfilment's fulfilment could not be seen
Fulfilment's fulfilment could not be understood
for the cacophony of Self's desire

for the fulfilment of love
the meaning
the depth
the power
the grace

only in the relinquishing of Self to love comes fulfilment
and then it comes in a flood

i can't explain it
but i can know its truth

so hold your heart close, dear reader
once given, so difficult to retrieve

"Is love's object worthy of death to Self?"

because only in relinquishing of Self
comes love's fulfilment

another mystery, so hard to explain
another mystery, so hard to understand

find an object worthy of your death
die to Self for it
and find what you wanted all along

fully filled
full fill meant

we cannot discern what is truely worthy
to lay our life down for

and not discerning we give our self over
to things ungood,
or hoard our self to our self

that's why we need a savior
who, for love, laid His life down
that we might have



through relinquishing Self to Him

fully filled
full fill mint
in losing Self in Love


Posted on 04/17/2002
Copyright © 2025 Carl Walker

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kate Demeree on 01/19/03 at 04:06 PM

*smiling* I have been sitting here reading this, and to me it is no mystery it is second nature, how can you do else but love completley if it is love? What is life but love, what is love but life? I like what you write...

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