Rattle by Indigo TempestaMy chest is making strange noises again Quick Make it better I think it needs feeding Better to comply fully Fill
I am sitting here topless Writing this letter to you Since I was inspired as I was Changing And you know more than me Such as andante And crescendo But I know where they were born My dear I was there
I'm feeling brilliant Quick Make it better Maybe Someday I'll understand humility Give me no wounds Leave the shooting-down for them I'm feeling brilliant only as a cover-up I know this is all a lie But no one's called me on it yet
There are two of you And you rattle and clunk around in my rib cage The one wants to kill the other And vice versa You crash agaist each other's shell But weigh the same physically And would be in love if not for me in the middle I've become a 2-sided mirror In my own mind This never happened
Would you grow up and around and into me Would you go a-wandering Would you trade acid for blood And share some with me
My chest sounds like a Ninteen-Fifty-Seven engine Hollow, iron, and full of loose parts Quick So humble me or Pour some water on and let me hiss My chest is moaning But you don't know the details Yet so Assume it's really Hungry 04/03/2002 Posted on 04/03/2002 Copyright © 2025 Indigo Tempesta