Just a Deck of Cards by Melina Raven Maness DieboldSometimes I wonder
Why life is like it is
with our ironies like
school counselors
that tell us to be ourself
then we go to class
the teacher screams at us
yells and tells us
to quit trying to be different
What's wrong with individuality?
I wonder
What's the harm in a hobby?
It's just slips of paper
with colored designs
Would you rather I smoke?
Would you rather I get drunk and high?
Like your cheerleaders and jocks...
I don't understand
Such a pestilent overture
This conspiracy underfoot
should be brought asunder
before it drags us under
Rise above the bitter hand
and follow our Lord the grand
I see this people at church on Sunday
Yet they act to evil on Monday
Distraught thoughts
thoughout the day
Cloud my goals and dreams
Such bitter conversation
Just for greedy gleams
But I have my faith
Unbroken, undaunted
That God will deliver me
Out of this torture
Lonely, Horrible Slavery 04/02/2002 Posted on 04/02/2002 Copyright © 2025 Melina Raven Maness Diebold