Mangled by Melina Raven Maness DieboldAs I lay here
on the ground
trying my hardest
to look around
I see some lights
first blue then red
I hear the sirens
pounding in my head
I sense the chaos
unloved, uncouth
I feel the blood
pouring out my mouth
I feel the tears
that accompany pain
This throbbing and stinging
is driving me insane
As i fade away
and everything grows dim
I listen to his answers
as they interrogate him
I am going real fast
I can barely hear
I cringe as he says
"I shouldn't have had the last beer"
As they place me on the stretcher
and tow my car away
I see the bllod on the road
and realize I'll never again see day
In the cleanliness of the hospital
with the droning methodical beep
I take a breath and close my eyes
and drift off to eternal sleep 04/02/2002 Posted on 04/02/2002 Copyright © 2025 Melina Raven Maness Diebold