Lost by Melina Raven Maness DieboldPlayful hugs and kisses sweet
Loving embraces in the night
Eager voices say love, repeat
Awe-stricken eyes cherish the sight
Soft skin yearning for touch
Eloquent tongues speak lovely words
Sentimental memories reminissive of much
Tender kisses float like birds
Open arms stand ready to embrace
Precious moments of a time in the past
A youthful grin upon my face
Elegant glances from fair eyes cast
Longful gazes under a starry sky
Lingering thoughts of a gentle love
Innocent mouths speak only a sigh
Nuturing dreams of angels above
Genuine terms of a love so true
Apologies for a misgiven wrong
Thoughtful actions only an angel would do
Melodious exertps from a well-served song
Ever wonder where they went? 04/02/2002 Posted on 04/02/2002 Copyright © 2025 Melina Raven Maness Diebold