Sanity's Lament by Melina Raven Maness DieboldI ponder I sit and stare The gleam of sorrow shines from about the stars of sadness' shadows Each lash glistening with it's own tiny drop of woe's water My face, blushed and bloated Burns within it's own enshroudment of pain and my sad and sour voice sighs it's burdened gasps over-flowing with it's own self-torture Unbridled cries from within my heart bellow from within my soulonly to be heard by the demons that feast upon my now forgotten ego and I find no rest no food to ease this hunger This hunger of love This hunger of peace So I starve I shrink and I shrivel with the very sadness I seek to console So help m God, to remove this evil arrow so devilishly in my side Take this spiteful spear from between my eyes and toss it to the sea this ocean this river of misfortune And help me GodTo dry this flood of saddened memories and dispose of them from my brain So that they themselves can drown in their own sins of misuse I felt the wind upon my face I smelled the soft fragrance of your roses so show me your pretty garden with a pretty fountain in the center I'll ride upon your ivory horse and never feel this sorrow again I'll fall asleep to dream of love of happiness of peace among your toys and take a labored breath and feel the last trickle of sanity pour from the corner of my eye Only to wake up again to this wretched demon To fail in his eyes and his own merciless heart To be the brunt of his decision miserable and broken I'll remain But my place is with you and I have my patience and my faith and I know You will not allow me to suffer to be tortured to be disregarded as a fool and a failure Because Humanity isn't intelligent even with our cures and our governments and our leaders and our miracle diets and our Nobel prizes and our mindless creatures of steel and plastic Even with our charities and churches our love stories our rehab our teachers and our cable So reach out and touch us, Lord Rekindle our lost Faith's flame Never again to be doused by selfish abandon and exclusive cliques The blue of the sky reminds me why Why I'll get up tomorrow To see the face To feel the embrace to hear the words of a mortal angel you made just for me And I rest in peace 04/02/2002 Posted on 04/02/2002 Copyright © 2025 Melina Raven Maness Diebold