Number Six by Melina Raven Maness DieboldIn the Bible we hold so true
There are 10 rules telling us what to do
To be held favored in God's grand sight
To find oursleves showered in His Holy Light
But the laws of which we all abide
there is one that is always defied
How can we, with our knowledge to lend,
"Thou shall not kill" not comprehend
Ignore the Bible and all her truth
Sate your urge for vengeance, evil and uncouth
But when the testimony's over and the trial has been won
I ask you now, what justice has been done?
The victim has not been brought back to life
The murderer's death has not unbloodied the knife
The only thing that can be left
Is another family, sorrowed and bereft
So as you watch the convicted man
be electrocuted to the bone
Try to remember and understand
"Let he who hath not sinned, cast the first stone"
04/02/2002 Posted on 04/02/2002 Copyright © 2025 Melina Raven Maness Diebold