Metallic French Kiss by Melina Raven Maness DieboldAlone in my sorrow I stare
I begin to notice all of my thoughts all of my fears and faith fall to one fated feeling blended and peculiar
I watch the glowing sun and what seems like a million gray and murky clouds revolving and twirling in their aimless paths above my head
I feel the barrier of dampened soil, menacingly, solidly separating me from you
I feel the hole left achingly barren and empty by your vain attempt to see what treasures Heaven may or may not hold
The only treasure I seek is that rare and decidely profound treasure held by death
Perhaps its attainment shall lessen my solemn eternity ,desolate forever , shortened by a day
May my constant pain be omitted, erased, forgotton
I see my hair dance about in violent strands, awakened it seems, by the gentle breeze
I feel the cold wind press each lonely, repetitive tear further down my cheek til it falls futile, to the dead yet thirsty earth
I feel the soulless touch of steel, firm and unremorseful, on my pale and tear-stained face
I feel my finger, resting, poised on the trigger, in all of it's metallic perfection
I feel each twitching tendon, each spasming sinew strained and fervent in its task
I feel the furious blast of blood as my sadistic, demented mission erupts, completed and triumphant
I feel the desperate shards and slivers of bone spew from my shattered skull
I feel nothing
04/02/2002 Posted on 04/02/2002 Copyright © 2025 Melina Raven Maness Diebold