Kitten by Melina Raven Maness DieboldI saw a kitten the other day
It was on the side of the rode
It had been hit by a car
It's leg was broken
and it's tongue hang out of it's mouth
swollen with thirst
The sun had beat down on it all day
We drove by, but turned around
We were going to help it
But we looked at it closer and the sight of it appalled us
We drove away
deciding to let someone else handle it
Sometimes I feel like that kitten
helpless, lost, and broken
I thirst for something
something unattainable
I search for salvation
I search for freedom
I watch as the cars pass by
Will the next car be here to help me?
Will the next car be my death?
My piteous cries remain unheard
and soon...
I am no more
My cries are hushed
My thirst is quenched
My bones are healed
and I am embraced by my Master
04/02/2002 Posted on 04/02/2002 Copyright © 2025 Melina Raven Maness Diebold