Forgotten Sorrows by Melina Raven Maness DieboldAs I stare across a dark moonlit sky a single shooting star passes nearby This seldom-seen sight makes me wonder why Why innocent Amanda had to die
Sometimes I gaze across a solemn field wishing what I'm hoping this year will yield wondering how our hurt hearts can be healed from the pain we received when she was killed
I often lay in my warm queen-sized bed while portraits of her repeat in my head and often my eyes moisten and turn red for I now know young Amanda is dead
I know her family's poor hearts must writhe and even I wish it was not truth but myth all our lives changed when she drew her last breath alas, can any good come from her death
and after tears fall like infinite rain and before the sadness drives me insane I'll see I can't change how the past is lain and I must live on to get past the pain
04/02/2002 Author's Note: a friend had died, so I wrote this in her honor.
Posted on 04/02/2002 Copyright © 2025 Melina Raven Maness Diebold