Emily by Melina Raven Maness DieboldPeople come Remembering loved ones Lost and gone forever Sleeping here eternally Silent in singular repose
My secret birth unrecognized, unknown confined to a dark and dismal room I am a mistake born to my mother herself just a child
The spark of life I barely held It flickered for but a few tear-filled moments This ember, it fell I let it go I could hold it no longer It dropped as heavy as my mother's heart
Buried here in this silent cemetery in the soundless calm of night forsaken left with nothing save my name spoken, just once, through choking sobs Emily... "Emily...it was not meant to be."
Placed in the earth asleep in my splintered bed My cradle my coffin my sad wooden box Wrapped inside a starched white sheet I slumber My tiny fingers, clutched in eternal fists, grasping a cloth-faced doll I am not remembered I am unwanted No one notices my grave as they walk by I am trod upon My unmarked grave and I as much a failure in death as I was in life
04/02/2002 Posted on 04/02/2002 Copyright © 2025 Melina Raven Maness Diebold